Mynd af Ruta Karpaite
Til baka í einkaþjálfara

Ruta Karpaite


  • International Business & Communication: ISM University of Management & Economics
  • Fitness Instructor: EQF Level 3, Active Training
  • Personal Trainer: EQF Level 4, Active Training
  • Powerlifting & Bodybuilding: Student of Zydrunas Savickas
  • Cosmetology & Makeup Artistry: Smilga Beauty Lab

Languages: Fluent in English and Lithuanian; capable of conducting training sessions in Icelandic and Spanish.


  • Proper exercise technique and weightlifting
  • Training and nutrition plans for weight loss, muscle growth, and overall well-being
  • PCOS nutrition, resistance training, and stress management

With over a decade of experience training clients, I have discovered effective ways to enhance overall health, appearance, and confidence. I have pursued additional courses in nutrition, training with injuries, sleep training, stretching, mental health, and kinesitherapy.

I am passionate about weightlifting and healthy eating. I enjoy reading, cooking, playing the piano, and spending quality time with people who matter to me. I value extensive training sessions and delicious, healthy food. Embracing both my Lithuanian and Icelandic heritage, I continue my career and studies in Iceland. My musical tastes range from the 60s to the 80s, and I love old movies, classical music, and theatre. I have run thousands of miles and dedicated countless hours to weightlifting. As a proud student of The Strongest Man in the World, Zydrunas Savickas, I study the human body and believe that weightlifting, low stress, a rich social life, and whole foods are key to happiness.